
Application field
Municipal water supply, domestic hot and cold water, direct drinking water, gas,food, medical treatment, water supply for large buildings, etc
Executive Standard
GB/T19228.1; GB/T19228.2;GB/T19228.3
Optimize production based on national standards. It is stamped by the precision mold developed by the company and processed by the internal and external magnetic cleaning and polishing machine developed by the company. The inner and outer walls are smooth and beautiful, reducing the fluid resistance and fluid noise of the inner wall, and the fluid delivery is smoother. The sealing ring is made of hygienic anti-aging EPDM rubber, which is produced according to the national standard. Minle card pressure type stainless steel water pipe connection method has high connection strength, strong anti-vibration ability and easy installation
Pressed Connection Pipe Fittings SeriesSeries product list
Customer Service
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Minle Official Website
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粵ICP備09070978號Powered by vancheer
Contact Address
Shenzhen Headquarters:
10F, Building 1, Geya Building, Nanhuan Avenue, Guangming District, Shenzhen
Switchboard: 0755-81721666
Production Base:
Xihai Industrial area, Junan Cangmen Village, Shunde District, Foshan City
Switchboard: 0757-25503666
Copyright ?2019 深圳民樂管業(yè)有限公司 All Rights Reserved
粵ICP備09070978號Powered by vancheer
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